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Pink Pearl Sr. Sec. School, Education place Reengus Sikar Rajasthan
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It is a great place to find 10000 books, read magazines, surf the Internet, research hot topics, type papers, study with your classmates, and meet with teachers.


Librarian and her assistant are here when you need help. We want to make sure you find the best information for your research project. There is also a moving library for small kids which moves to their classrooms and they select out their interesting books and read for a particular period.


Borrowing materials


The normal loan period for books and videos is two weeks. If you need more time, please just stop at the Reference Desk to renew your item(s). If someone is waiting for the book, it must be returned promptly.


Copying and printing


The library has a number of computers that are networked to a laser printer (located in the glass side room). The photocopier is located in the main room near the glass side room. Please ask for help when you need it.


Computer access in library


The computers in the library are for the use of the students and teachers. Use your Pink Pearl Public School Reenguslogin and password, and do not share it with your friends. Remember that by using the school's computers you agree to abide by the school's acceptable use policy.




Your teacher may ask the library staff to put aside some books for your class to use. In that case, please refrain from checking out these books; they are temporarily for library use only.






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